However, we did get outside. I knew there were cheap eating places within a short distance so we hoofed. Having the bags checked was handy so we just had small pouches to carry.
Just about 10 or so minutes brought us to a few taco stands and several bars and tiendas, then we turned another corner and found several more. We chose one that wasn't quite as loud as some and sat down for a beer (1.2 liters between the 3 of us) and tacos. The food and beer went down well.
The cook had good English but I used some Spanish too. Mar had brought some pesos and I was going to chip in as I had about 150 or so pesos in my pocket. But, as it turned out the leftover money from a previous trip that Linda handed me yesterday turned out to be Cuban pesos! Oops!
All was well though as Mar had it covered!
A bit more wandering brought us eventually back to the airport. There are actually a lot of eating places inside and a surprising number after security. We're good though. And we'll be boarding pretty soon for leg 2, about twice as long as the first section.